Japan Water Boom Tutorial

In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to make a very strong Japan play on maps with water.
In this strategy, you are both vulnerable to an early game rush and you are not. You rely on villagers at the start to build your boats. There is a small window where the opponent can rush you but once you get your boat shipments you can easily get ahead with the resources. How much? Almost twice as much.


Age II 
Personally, I prefer Torii Gates to Toshogu Shrine. I like the XP increase and you get a samurai and a military rickshaw. The samurai can be useful if you get rushed with 5 Hand cavalry early on.

Another great wonder. After you build the Shogunate you get a Daimyo which provides an attack bonus aura and can train units. Combined with Bushido Principles (Units can be trained in blocks of 10) shipment from the Japanese Isolation at the Consulate you can resupply your army on the move easily.
Also, the Daimyo can receive military shipments.
You also get a discount on unit production and faster train time. It is good to get this wonder in Age III to start building your forces.
Since you are going to build units there is an obvious synergy with Torii Gates. This means more shipments, which means more resources and the ball gets rolling.

Age IV
This is a very good wonder. Your army composition will be of Ashigaru Musketeers and Flaming arrows so the upgrades in the Golden Pavilion will be useful.

Age V
At this point, you can build a Toshogu Shrine or Great Buddha, but since by this time in the game you won't really need extra resources, the Informers ability could be more useful. Especially to get a quick look at where the enemy forces are.

The Consulate

The two useful alliances at the consulate are the Spanish and Japanese isolation.
Even though there are two good alliances I would not include Good Faith Agreements card in the deck because there are better shipments that can be sent.

An alliance with the Spanish will provide 0.8 XP Trickle. The shipment Merchant Marine halves the time it takes for Home City Shipments to arrive. The other shipments are good too but it may be a little challenging to accumulate the export. 
So I would advise you to get just the first shipment and switch to Japanese isolation after you get to Age 3, where you start building forces and you can start fighting.

This is a unique option for the Japanese. You get a 7% attack boost for land units. Here the shipment Bushido Principles is a must. If you look at it from another angle it is almost the same as having a 50% faster training of units. The military rickshaw shipment can be useful too. I usually spend any extra export on Hatamoto Samurai.


The shrines are very neat. You build them near herds of animals to increase their resource generation.
In Age 4 you can switch them to gold so that you can gather 4500 gold for the ronin shipment. 
It can be useful as a scouting option too. And for denying the opponent hunts.

The Deck

Order of shipments:

Age I
1. Dock rickshaw
2. Exotic Hardwoods

Age II
1. 5 Fishing boats
2. 5 Fishing boats
3. Rendering Plant
4. Fish Market
5. Fish Market
6. Whale Oil

1. 8 Fishing boats
2. 8 Fishing boats

Age IV 
1. Shogun Tokugawa

The order of the other shipments is whatever the situation requires. Army upgrades or sending units.
If the opponent builds a fleet to kill your boats you start building your own fleet and send the damage increase shipments to defeat their fleet. 

Army Composition

Your army composition is Ashigaru Musketeers and Flaming Arrows. You can even make natives since they don't cost population but can be a decisive factor in a battle. The deck has cards for natives too.
Basically in a battle, you try to take out the enemy artillery first with your Flaming Arrows then mow down everything else. If the enemy charges your flaming arrows with their hand cavalry you switch the Musketeers into hand mode and take care of the enemy cavalry. You can make 2 or 3 Mortarus with Shogun Tokugawa or you can send 15 Ronin card when your population is at 199 to make a huge army. Sending 29 Sohei Allies after that is also good but at this point, you should be winning by a lot.


At Age II you try to get as many shipments as you can and you build fishing boats. Send shipments that upgrade the gather rate of your boats.

At Age III you continue to build fishing boats and start building your forces.

At Age IV  you advance towards the enemy and fight. Your army is led by Daymio Masamune and Shogun Tokugawa. You make the upgrades in the Golden Pavilion you send a shipment of 15 Ronin and resupply your army on the go.

If done the right way you should have twice as many gathered resources as your opponent and you should have no issue resupplying your army numbers. Also protect your Daymio and Shogun because opponents tend to focus them often.


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